Saturday, October 9, 2010


By way of Twitter, I ended up over at Kris Anka's blog and saw this fun video he did recently set to a variation of "Froggy Went A Courtin'". So awesome. The rest of his blog is really awesome, too, so check out the rest of it.

I'd never heard that version of the song, so it made me think that it was based on a folk story or something. It is. Looking at the Wikipedia entry, it says that it's based on a really old Scottish folk song. You can check the rest of the entry for more info on it. Pretty interesting and fun.

Thinking about it some more made me want to do some two painting series or something based on it, but make them more realistic like I did those swing cats I did for the Misses Ellen Sunday poster.

I'll do something for Miss Mouse, too, as well as probably do a quick study of cutlasses, belts, boots and bandoliers for a finished piece.