Sunday, April 25, 2010

chummin' it up at Phoenix Comicon

Update time!!!!

Much..much needed update time...yes.

Guess what's coming at the end of May!! Memorial Day!! No...wait. Yes, it's Memorial Day, but it's also PHOENIX COMICON!!!

And guess who's going to be there?? Levar Burton!!! READING RAINBOWWWWW!!!

But that's not all...Dave Baker and Eric M Esquivel, too!!!!! WHOOAAAAA!!!!!

And also me and
Angela! YAAAYYY!!

Angela and I have teamed up to form the awesome conglomerate that will hence forth be recognized as Chu Chu Chums!!

This is the sweet header that Angela and I worked on together (mostly Angela on this one) for our new blog, which you can view over here -> CHU CHU CHUMS

Chu Chu Chums will be the moniker for all of our collaborative efforts, with the blog acting as a place to show off our efforts. The blog will also act as an "inspiration engine" for the both of us as we look to inspire each other and help rev up our creativity.

We will also be doing weekly themed works that we'll try to post every week. It might get shaky in the big lead-in to Phoenix Comicon, but we'll do our best to post regularly. If you pop on over right now, you'll find our most recent posts seen below.

My mermaid.

Angela's mermaid.

And now some words from us Chums:

"Hey everyone, Chu Chu Chums are finally online! Woo! Party time, right? Yeah, well, for us, it's getting-ready-for-Phoenix-Comicon time! AH! EXCITING! Phoenix Comicon (May 27-30) will be our first time exhibiting our work. There will be comics, pins, bears and things... We will do our best to update with our progress as we get closer. We look forward to seeing you at Phoenix Comicon! Fun times!"

Tickets are still are still available, so be sure to pick those up ASAP!! I'll also add that we well be at T-134, so be sure to look for us there! WOO!!! Excitinggg!!! Despite all of the hoopla-let's-git-er-ready leading up to the con, I'll try to post more regularly to get you me and everyone who should be reading this blog psyched for the convention!!